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Foil test

Function test of an ultrasonic bath Information
A foil test should be carried out before the first application and at regular intervals, e.g. every 3 months. This serves to ensure the consistent effect of the ultrasound. The frequency of the test is your responsibility. The foil test is a simple procedure for visualising the intensity and distribution of cavitation in an ultrasonic bath. An aluminium foil stretched over a foil test frame is inserted for this purpose. This is perforated or destroyed to a certain degree by cavitation, depending on the duration of the sonication. For the comparability of the results, it is important that the conditions of the foil test are always the same:

  • Fill the oscillating tank up to the fill level mark,
  • Temperature of the sonication liquid,
  • Degassing time,
  • Positioning of the frame,
  • Film type (brand, thickness),
  • Sonication duration,
  • Type and concentration of the ultrasound preparation.

Carrying out the foil test

  1. Fill the oscillating tank up to the fill level mark
    with water and a suitable ultrasonic preparation in the quantity specified by the manufacturer.
  2. Degas the acoustic fluid.
  3. Tension the aluminium foil (household foil
    10 μm to 25 μm thick) on the foil test frame. Depending on the size
    of the tray, the frame may protrude. It is sufficient to remove the part of the foil frame
    which is covered by the sonication liquid.
  4. Place the covered foil test frame diagonally in the centre of the oscillating tank. Fix it in place if necessary.
  5. Switch on the ultrasound. Sonicate the film for at least 1 minute until a visible perforation or hole appears. For more stable films (thicker or coated), the sonication time can be up to 3 minutes. Make a note of the duration of your test.
  6. Switch off the ultrasound. Remove the foil test frame. Remove the
    Remove the aluminium foil from the foil test frame and allow it to dry.
  7. The film must be perforated. Otherwise, the device must be checked by the service centre.
    of BANDELIN electronic GmbH & Co. KG is recommended.
  8. Archive the film with the test date and serial number of the ultrasonic bath and the previously
    selected conditions and duration. In addition, the documentation template for the slide test
    filled out and archived.
  9. Rinse the oscillating tank thoroughly to remove any film particles that have been loosened.

    Suitable foil test frames can be ordered from BANDELIN electronic GmbH & Co. KG, suitable foil test frames can be ordered.
    The foil test frames are suitable for a wide range of
    of tank dimensions. For carrying out the test
    aluminium foil is also required,
    This is not included in the scope of delivery.

You will also find the documentation sheet for download in our Knowledge Base.

Folio Test Documentation Sheet

The BANDELIN Foil test documentation sheet facilitates the documentation of the functional test of an ultrasonic bath

Liquid for the foil test:
To obtain a sufficiently strong cavitation,
the interfacial tension of the water used for the foil test must also be reduced with the aid of preparations containing surfactants. We recommend the following ultrasonic preparations:
If none of these preparations are available, a neutral or mildly alkaline, non-aluminium-destroying preparation should be used. The preparation
must be approved by the manufacturer for use in an ultrasonic bath.

Test result and documentation:
The test result is to be assessed according to the perforated area of the films, always maintaining the same test conditions. The perforated areas of the films should always have approximately the same size and distribution - they are never congruent. Regular film tests enable constant process monitoring, e.g. in the reprocessing of medical devices. An alternative is the measurement of cavitation noise in accordance with IEC TS 63001:2019.

As an alternative to the foil test, the hydroacoustic measurement method according to
IEC TS 63001
Further explanations of this measuring method can be found at cavispector.com.


Example application in the video

We have put together an overview of sample cleanings for you to carry out an optimal US cleaning.

For every application the right


Application & Help

More tips & info

Further practical tips and assistance for our ultrasonic baths and their use can be found in our Knowledge Base under Practical Tips. Of course, you are also welcome to contact us if you have any questions regarding the devices or their use.