Cement remover and denture cleaner, concentrate


56,00  - 443,00 

(plus VAT. & Shipping)


Removes cements, tartar, plaque, temporary fillings, oxides and flux residues
Use only in the insert vessel


Cement remover and denture cleaner

Concentrate for cement removal and denture cleaning in the dental field for use in an ultrasonic bath for use on instruments, accessories and components of medical devices, as well as on new and worn dentures and orthoses.

The preparation is used in the process of instrument preparation and denture cleaning in dental practices, dental clinics, oral surgery, orthodontics and dental laboratories.

At a glance
- Concentrate
- Removes cements, tartar, plaque, temporary fillings, oxides and flux residues
- Use only in the insert vessel
- Free from acetic and hydrochloric acid
- Biodegradable

Material compatibility and impurities
STAMMOPUR Z has a high material compatibility.
Due to the formulation in the strongly acidic range, however, not suitable for acid-sensitive materials such as light metals and damaged chrome plating.

- Cements,
- Tartar,
- Coverings,
- temporary fillings,
- Oxides
and flux residues

From the following materials
- Stainless steel,
- Precious metal,
- Titanium,
- Glass,
- Porcelain,
- Ceramics
and plastic.

The exclusively professional users are trained specialists.

STAMMOPUR Z has a very high cleaning effect, which, however, only becomes effective in connection with the ultrasonic action in the ultrasonic bath.

The application is carried out exclusively in an ultrasonic bath in an indirect process in insert vessels, e.g. plastic hanging basins or beakers.

Dosage and contact time
in ultrasonic bath: 5%
without ultrasound: -

Exposure time:
in ultrasonic bath: 3-10 min
without ultrasound: -

Temperature: prepare cold and do not heat up additionally

Composition per 100g:
> 10 % Phosphoric acid,
1-< 10 % nichtionische Tenside, 1-< 10 % kationische Tenside Produkt-pH-Bereich: stark sauer Die Anwendung erfolgt verdünnt mit Wasser mit mindestens Trinkwasserqualität. Eine Beimischung von Zusätzen in die Reinigungslösung ist nicht zulässig. Besondere Hinweise Säurebeständige Zemente werden nicht entfernt, wie z. B. Glas-Ionomer-Zemente. Optiken, Lichtleiter und geklebte Teile nicht mit Ultraschall behandeln. Bohrer und weitere rotierende Kleininstrumente nicht mit STAMMOPUR Z behandeln. Gefahrenhinweise H314 Verursacht schwere Verätzungen der Haut und schwere Augenschäden. Sicherheitshinweise P280 Schutzhandschuhe/Schutzkleidung/Augenschutz/Gesichtsschutz tragen. P305+P351+P338 BEI KONTAKT MIT DEN AUGEN: Einige Minuten lang behutsam mit Wasser ausspülen. Eventuell vorhandene Kontaktlinsen nach Möglichkeit entfernen. Weiter ausspülen.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Weight 3,8 kg
Order number

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Capacity [l]

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Container size [l]

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Verpackung L [mm]


Verpackung B [mm]


Verpackung H [mm]


Instructions for use

Here you will find the current instructions for use for the current product. For old products, please use the instructions for use search under

Safety data sheet

Product info




Cleaning preparations

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25,00  - 1.350,00 

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Universal cleaner for ultrasonic cleaning, concentrate
102,00  - 446,00 

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Bandelin Electronic

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Bandelin Electronic

Quality since 1955

We - a Berlin-based family business in its third generation - specialise in the development, manufacture and distribution of ultrasonic devices, corresponding accessories and application-specific cleaning and disinfection preparations. The high vertical range of manufacture, a modern production facility and motivated employees distinguish us and are guarantors for constantly new quality products.