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Rapid microbiological diagnostics for implant infections

Special ultrasonic bath for the gentle removal of biofilms

Der Therapieerfolg bei Implantatinfektionen ist abhängig von einer präzisen mikrobiologischen Diagnose. Weil Mikroorganismen auf körperfremden Teilen Biofilme bilden, sind sie oft schwierig im umgebenden Gewebe nachzuweisen. Mit Hilfe von BactoSonic können Biofilme schonend von der Oberfläche eines infizierten Implantats entfernt werden.

Compact & Powerful

Kleines Ultraschallbad für große Anwendungen


zur ständigen Schallfeldoszillation für gleichmäßige Beschallung


The robust stainless steel housing is easy to clean and protected against dripping water

Power setting

from 20% to 100%

Low intensity, high homogeneity

Time, temperature, power and thus adaptation to the respective sample body

Level marking

For safe and accurate filling of the unit

Working principle of the BactoSonic

The implant is placed in the liquid of the corresponding box and sonicated in the BactoSonic ultrasonic bath specially developed for this procedure. Compared to other ultrasonic baths, this device works with low-frequency ultrasound at low intensity and high homogeneity. The aim is to remove the biofilm without destroying the bacteria, which must be preserved for subsequent analysis. The liquid obtained is microbiologically processed and the amount of bacteria is quantified. Up to 10,000 times more bacteria can be detected than with usual methods, such as from biopsies of periprosthetic tissue. Mixed infections and different bacterial morphotypes can be better detected. Sensitivity is improved, especially in patients with prior antibiotic therapy.

Technical details can be found in the Data sheet.

Ready-to-use set - order no. 3291

BactoSonic 14.2

Implants and infection

With the increasing use of medical implants, we are also confronted increasingly confronted with infectious biofilms on them. The most most common implants are joint prostheses, osteosyntheses, vascular prostheses, pacemakers and defibrillators, dental implants, neurosurgical shunts and breast implants.

The success of treatment for implant infections depends on a precise precise, microbiological diagnosis. Because microorganisms form foreign bodies, they are often difficult to detect in the surrounding tissue. surrounding tissue.
Biofilms consist of an amorphous matrix of polymerised polysaccharide. polymerised polysaccharide in which microorganisms are embedded. are embedded. In the biofilm, microorganisms are in a metabolically less active stationary growth phase. Over weeks to years a complex three-dimensional layer develops, which, via rudimentary the nutrition of the biofilm (via water channels) and its communication (via extracellular and its communication (through extracellular messengers). ensures.

While free-living (planktonic) bacteria are killed by antibiotics and the immune system, adherent immune system, adherent bacteria survive protected in the extra cellular in the extra cellular matrix of the biofilm.

Planktonic and biofilm forms of bacteria
Biofilm on the implant surface

Detection of biofilm-forming bacteria

The implant is aseptically removed from the body in the operating theatre and transported in a sterile box to the microbiology laboratory within 24 hours. After addition of Ringer's solution, the implant is shaken vigorously and exposed to ultrasound for 1 minute. The sonication removes > 99.9% of the adherent bacteria.

Quantitative detection of biofilm-forming bacteria

The sonicate is processed microbiologically and the amount of bacteria is quantified (number of colony-forming units per ml of sonication fluid. Sonication can detect up to 10,000 times more bacteria than conventional methods, such as biopsies of periprosthetic tissue. This makes it easier to detect mixed infections and different bacterial morphotypes. Sensitivity is improved, especially in patients with previous antibiotic therapy, because the bacteria protected in the biofilm survive better.
Success of biofilm removal
Comparison of cultures from tissue biopsy and sonication fluid (sonicate)

Detection of biofilm-forming bacteria

The implant is aseptically removed from the body in the operating theatre and transported in a sterile box to the microbiology laboratory within 24 hours. After addition of Ringer's solution, the implant is shaken vigorously and exposed to ultrasound for 1 minute. The sonication removes > 99.9% of the adherent bacteria.


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Bandelin Electronic

Quality since 1955

We - a Berlin-based family business in its third generation - specialise in the development, manufacture and distribution of ultrasonic devices, corresponding accessories and application-specific cleaning and disinfection preparations. The high vertical range of manufacture, a modern production facility and motivated employees distinguish us and are guarantors for constantly new quality products.