If you have any questions about ultrasonic cleaning, our application consultants will be happy to help you. We have compiled the most frequently asked questions about ultrasonic cleaning from over 60 years of experience for you in the following FAQ.
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Ultrasound creates the finest cavitation bubbles in the cleaning solution, which thoroughly and gently remove the dirt from the cleaning objects. Ultrasound cleaning also removes dirt from hard-to-reach places and significantly shortens the cleaning time compared to other methods.

Water without additives usually does not clean at all or only insufficiently. With the use of suitable cleaning preparations, on the one hand the surface tension of the water is reduced for an optimal ultrasonic cavitation effect and on the other hand the contamination is optimally removed with the specific ingredients. The suitable preparation depends on the contamination (e.g. oil, blood, soot, ink etc.) and the object (stainless steel, copper etc.). When reprocessing medical instruments, use cleaning and disinfection preparations specially designed for ultrasound.

The optimal cleaning temperature depends on the contamination. Oil, soot and burnt-on residues are best removed in the temperature range of 50-60°C. Blood and tissue residues may only be cleaned at temperatures below 45°C so that the protein contained does not coagulate.

The items to be cleaned must never be placed directly on the bottom of the tank. Otherwise, the vibrating surface will rub against the items to be cleaned, causing damage to the items to be cleaned and the ultrasonic tank. In addition, the ultrasound can be blocked by objects lying on top of it, which can also cause damage to the oscillating systems. The optimal sound field is only formed at a certain distance from the tank bottom.
Insert cups made of glass, plastic or stainless steel enable, for example, the simultaneous use of two different preparations without changing the bath (e.g. plaster removal and drill cleaning in the dental practice). In this case, the insert cups hang in a perforated lid and must not stand directly in the bath. Suspension trays made of plastic or insert cups made of glass, plastic and stainless steel allow cleaning with corrosive cleaning agents that would attack the stainless steel tray of the ultrasonic unit. Under certain conditions, flammable liquids can also be used for cleaning in insert cups.
A lid reduces evaporation of the bath liquid, saves up to 50 % of heating energy and reduces noise pollution for the user. In addition, it prevents dirt from falling into the cleaning bath from the outside.

With the Sweep technology the ultrasound frequency is slightly varied during cleaning. This results in a very homogeneous sound field and uniform cleaning.

To do this, one performs a Foil test in which the cavitation clearly visibly perforates an aluminium foil placed in the ultrasonic bath.

Gases are always dissolved in tap water. During sonication, these are expelled, which binds a high number of cavitation bubbles. If the freshly prepared ultrasonic bath is allowed to degas for 10-30 minutes before cleaning, depending on the volume, the optimum cleaning effect is achieved.

At proper application cleaning with ultrasound is not harmful to the user. Do not reach into the cleaning solution when the ultrasound is switched on. 

An ultrasonic bath is maintenance-free. The ultrasonic tank is subject to natural wear due to cavitation erosion, which may vary depending on the application situation (abrasive contamination, bath maintenance, duty cycle, etc.) The accessories such as pumps, motors, adapters, etc. of certain ultrasonic cleaning units are subject to the maintenance instructions given in the instructions for use.

Pure deionised water has a very high surface tension and causes damage to the stainless steel tank during ultrasonic operation. . When used with a suitable cleaning preparation, it is possible to Deionised water improve the cleaning effect.

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The optimal cleaning temperature depends on the contamination. Oil, soot and burnt-on residues are best removed in the temperature range of 50-60°C. Blood and tissue residues may only be cleaned at temperatures below 45°C so that the protein contained does not coagulate.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

wichtige informationen &


The Operational Safety Ordinance and the Medical Devices Act as well as the accident prevention regulations impose an obligation on the operator of electrical equipment to ensure safe operation for users and patients. The manufacturers of electrical equipment have a strong interest in ensuring that the equipment can be demonstrably operated safely after repair or maintenance. The devices are subject to the standard DIN EN 61010 and are therefore tested with regard to electrical safety according to DIN VDE 0701/0702 after repair and/or maintenance.

For all BANDELIN ultrasonic baths, it is prescribed in the relevant documentation not to use flammable, explosive and non-aqueous liquids or azeotropic mixtures directly in the stainless steel oscillating tank.

If the sonication is carried out indirectly in the insert cup or in the insert tray, the use of small quantities of flammable liquids in compliance with the 

DGUV Information 213-850 
(Safe working in laboratories - Fundamentals and guidance)

TRGS 526
(Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances)

DGUV Regulation 109-010
(Guidelines for equipment for cleaning workpieces with solvents)

DGUV Regulation 113-001
(Explosion protection regulations)

The user himself is responsible for the current versions of these instructions. No claim to completeness.

SONOREX ultrasonic baths do not comply with these guidelines.

The service life of a used solution depends on the load.The load of a used solution varies individually and cannot be standardised. To be on the safe side, a new solution should be prepared daily according to the following quotations. According to the disinfectant list of the VAH/1 the following is stated:

"As a rule, disinfectant solutions must be renewed at least every working day. Longer periods of use are only permissible if the manufacturer can prove by expert opinion that the efficacy is maintained over a longer period of time even in the case of visible contamination with blood".

For STAMMOPUR DR 8 and STAMMOPUR 24, the service life of the used solution under load, which has been proven by experts, is 3 days./2.

Ultrasonic cleaning is carried out in stainless steel oscillating tanks with aqueous cleaning liquids. The optimum effect of the ultrasound requires the use of suitable cleaning preparations ⇒ STAMMOPUR or TICKOPUR preparations.

Some household cleaners, e.g. commercially available dishwashing detergents, are not suitable for ultrasonic cleaning because they may contain chloride ions. Chloride ions destroy the passive protective layer of the stainless steel surfaces in the oscillating tank and are thus the cause of corrosion. Dark holes the size of a pinprick develop, so-called pitting /1, 2/.

In addition to cleaners containing chloride ions, rust deposits, so-called extraneous rust, salty water, acidic dirt and acids on the stainless steel surfaces can also be the cause of pitting corrosion. Extraneous rust is caused by external disturbing factors, such as

- Rust particles from the water pipe system or from rusty cleaning material,

- Metal parts remaining on the stainless steel surface, such as screws, metal chips, metal dust, etc.

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