Clean radiator

Ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning charge air coolers and oil coolers.

Ultrasonic cleaning of EGR valves

An exhaust gas recirculation valve (EGR) is used in all diesel engines from Euro 5 onwards to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx). This is done by recirculating hot exhaust gases into the engine's intake duct. This lowers the combustion temperature in the engine and reduces the generation of nitrogen oxides. The major disadvantage of exhaust gas recirculation is the technical vulnerability of the EGR valve, which controls the feeding of the exhaust gas into the [...]

Clean valves

Ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning inlet and outlet valves.

Ultrasound cleaning in podiatry

Fast and thorough reprocessing of podological instruments in an ultrasonic bath Protecting health is always a top priority in podiatry and is becoming increasingly important. Medical foot care involves treating the skin and nails, which is associated with a risk of infection. To prevent the spread of communicable diseases and to protect patients and practitioners, [...]

Ultrasonic cleaning of piercing accessories

Health protection is always a top priority in piercing and is becoming increasingly important. During piercing, the skin is injured through punctures, which is associated with an increased risk of infection. To prevent the spread of communicable diseases and to protect clients and piercers, particular focus must be placed on hygiene. In addition to the [...]

Ultrasonic cleaning of cosmetic accessories

Health protection is always a top priority in cosmetic procedures and is becoming increasingly important. During treatment, for example with permanent make-up, the skin is injured by punctures, which is associated with an increased risk of infection. To prevent the spread of communicable diseases and to protect clients and pigmenters, particular focus must be placed on the [...]

Ultrasonic cleaning of tattoo accessories

Health protection is always a top priority in tattooing and continues to gain in importance. During tattooing, the skin is injured by fine needle pricks, which increases the risk of infection. To prevent the spread of communicable diseases and to protect clients and tattoo artists, particular focus must be placed on hygiene. Besides [...]